
Thursday 16 July 2015


It's Time to Let Him Go

1. He doesn't want to interact with your family/friends:

When you've been with a guy you're serious about, you want everyone to see him so that he becomes a part of your life fully. Friends and family will start to invite him to events to get to know him better and make him feel a part of the crowd. Your guy shouldn't hide from those that are most important to you. He shouldn't want to be the mystery man.

2. Wants to break up after every fight:

Fights happen in every relationship but they help it grow in the end. A good guy should just pace himself if he's heated after a fight, not want to break up. A guy that threatens to break up after every argument doesn't really care for you. If you mean that much to him, then why does he want to kick you out so easily and quickly? Leave this immature guy.

3. Has cheated:

I believe in once a cheater, always a cheater. I don't know of anyone that have cheated and stopped. It's like an addiction to many. Once you get the taste, you want more of it. Be careful of guys that have cheated, especially if it's more than once. Maybe once you can work out and solve but if you find out he's been with 20 or more women, you need to let him go and find a man that's only going to have you as his woman.

4. The baby making type:

It sounds funny but some guys just enjoy populating and ignoring their offspring. please avoid guys that have like 10 kids by 10 different women and they aren't taking care of any of them. You don't need to be number 11 stuck with a child that he's just going to dump on you. If you find out that your boyfriend fits this, close your legs quickly and chase him off.. Lmao!

5. Too controlling or authouritative:

You are your own person and do have a life outside of him so you can't have him attached to you every time you move. You don't need him to tell you what and what not to do. You don't need a guy that isn't going to give you room to breathe.

6. Won't let you be who you are:

You don't need to hide who you are or try to change it to make him happy. If you're a tom boy like me at heart, you shouldn't force yourself to be a girly girl just for him. He should love you being a tom boy. If you like to watch cartoons, then do so. Don't hide your favorite hobbies because he doesn't like them. If you can't be yourself around your guy, you aren't going to be happy so leave him for a guy that accepts you for yourself. hahahaha.. this is serious a beg

7. He is abusive verbally or physically:

I shouldn't have to explain this one. If you're with a guy that's verbally or physically abusive, you need to dump him now. Don't wait around for it to blow up and get to a point your self esteem is completely gone or your face has been bashed in. You need to do whatever it takes to free yourself. If you need to move because he's stalking you, take legal actions to protect yourself. A guy that's calling you horrible names and talking down to you is not the right man for you. Just get out and find another that will love you and respect you.

8. His ex girlfriends warn you:

Normally, if people accuse your guy of being no good, you shouldn't be so quick to take the bait because people do gossip and spread rumors or just misjudge information. Always look for physical proof to back up any claims. If you have access to his ex girlfriends and they all warn you, take caution. Ten girls that have never met each other are telling you the same thing is a sign that there's something wrong with him. It's no coincidence. If he's been cruel to ten other girls before you, he'll most likely do it to you. This type of guy is a loser and you need a real gentleman.

9. He doesn't pay attention to special days:

It's your birthday and all day you've gotten calls, texts, cards and gifts from your friends, family and coworkers and now you're just waiting for that special someone to call and say happy birthday too but he never does. Instead, you find out that he's partying with his boys and had forgotten about your birthday. Worse yet, this is quite common for him to forget or ignore days like birthdays, Valentine's Day, your anniversary, etc. A guy that doesn't pay attention to large days such as these that the majority of people participate in just means he doesn't care. You've been with him for 2 years and he still forgets your birthday yet he doesn't forget to go hang out with his pals.

10. He is with you just cos of your looks or sex:

Some guys will date girls just because you look good on his shoulder and nothing more. These guys usually will just ignore every-word that comes out of your mouth then mention how hot you are. You can be in a heated argument and he'll interrupt with talking about your beauty instead of listening to the conversation and solving the problem. He just sees you as a toy. Go for a guy that sees your personality as well. It can't be all about the outside. The inside matters most.

11. He is too flirty towards other women / gets other girls numbers:

You don't need a ladies' man. All of that flirtatious behavior should be directed at you, not every attractive woman he sees. Some girls ignore this and accept this behavior saying he just has a very flirty personality or friendly. His cell shouldn't be filled with only girls' numbers. This should not be excused. He should have enough restraint to not flirt and act like he's girl hunting if he is already is taken. These flirty actions can drive him to do more such as cheat.

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