
Friday 14 August 2015

VIDEO: Meet The Most Dangerous Women In The World

 These fragile-looking women are actually deadly dangerous. Chinese female bodyguards can calm down a machete-wielding guy with their bare hands.

Female bodyguards with perfect shapes are in high demand among Chinese wealthy people. In China the security industry started 20 years ago and now the bodyguard industry is on the rise. It’s coincided with the Chinese economic boom and increasing number of wealthy Chinese.

Usually, female bodyguards are more convenient for female clients. Female bodyguards are not easily spotted in certain circumstances. Besides that, in case of any emergency, they respond quickly without being noticed by criminals.

“My parents don’t have stable jobs. They live of my salary. I’m satisfied with my salary so far. My parents aren’t fond of me doing this job. They are worried about my safety. But it’s what I like to do,” says Li, a fragile-looking girl, who is working as bodyguard.

Female bodyguards are highly sought after at the moment, because they are rare. Nowadays, there are more and more powerful business women in China, who prefer women working for them as bodyguards.
 “I’m not really interested in girls’ stuff, especially beauty products. I like boys tuff, like guns,” says Li.

However, they go not only through training in martial arts but in Chinese etiquette and makeup skills as well.

They prefer wearing leather jackets when it’s permitted by the etiquette.

“The reason I’m wearing leather isn’t just for style. It’s for the protection it provides in combat. If I’m wearing fabric, I’ll get stabbed much more easily than wearing leather.”

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There are some unique features to being a Chinese bodyguard. They’re not only good in martial arts. They also have great combat skills when fighting with weapons. Besides that they can use anything as a deadly weapon – even a writing pen, which is legal to carry it with you. You can carry it on plane, and pass any country’s security check.

They can kill a man wielding machete with their bare hands.

In China, possessing any assault weapon is illegal, especially for security guards. That’s why the profession is demanding of an individual’s skills. Without weapons, they have to be better in martial arts, such as kung fu, speculation and observation skills. The skills needed to react under special circumstances.
“Last year I was with my protectee, who was married in a tumultuous relationship. During the meeting, the husband without anyone noticing, brought out a big machete for slaughtering cattle. I can still remember what happened that day. I was with my colleague, who helped me rake down the husband while I grabbed his machete. When I took the machete out of his hand, it was half a centimetre away from my neck.”

Being a bodyguard is not an office job. You have to be ready to show up at any time and any location. Li says she enjoy taking risks, and this job has provided her a lot.

Meanwhile, a month ago the former security consultant and former director of the Department of Security Service, Mike Ejiofor gave an interview to the press and said that the president is risking his life trying to settle personal scores.

He also said that Buhari is risking the national security and the security of the president with his recent order.

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